Consumers demand climate change action

More than 60% of the UK want businesses to take immediate action to tackle climate change.

More than 60% of the UK want businesses, including pubs and bars, to take immediate action to tackle climate change and do more to help their customers ‘go green’.

With COP26 underway, a new national survey, commissioned by sustainability charity WRAP, shows that a majority of consumers believe companies across industry need to do more when it comes to tackling emissions to help the UK meet tough, binding environmental targets for 2050.

Whether it’s about plastic, food waste and water stewardship or greenhouse gas emissions, public perception is that there is a gap between businesses’ intentions and their actions. WRAP’s findings reveal this perceived inaction gap among consumers and show that the public want businesses to do more to tackle climate change.

The results reveal that 66% of respondents feel businesses should do more to help their customers reduce their own impact on climate change, while a further 63% agreed that businesses should act immediately.

Four in ten (42%) said they thought UK businesses should have a clear step-by-step plan in place to reach their climate goals and 41% said that businesses should be transparent on their targets as well as regularly publishing their progress so that they can be held accountable.

When asked about specific sectors, 57% of respondents said UK food businesses could or need to be doing more to tackle climate change and cut emissions.

The research also shows that when it comes to delivering change, collaboration is key in the opinion of consumers. The findings reveal 40% believe UK businesses should be working with each other to tackle climate change issues within their sector or industry.

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