A new training regime
The whole ‘seeing hospitality as a career’ debate is as old as the industry itself. You’re reading this magazine, which tells me you’re more than aware of the vast opportunities pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels can bring to individuals, and yet, the mission to sell such a message to potential recruits is often perceived as impossible. So, what more can be done?
Last month, I witnessed two training-specific initiatives – one nationwide, one local to a multiple operator – that filled me with hope. First, on a broader scale, the Department for Work and Pensions announced it will partner with trade body UKHospitality to roll out hospitality Sector-based Work Academy Programmes (SWAPs) to 26 new areas in need of jobs, meaning more skilled workers for pubs and bars. Hopefully this will transfer into a switch of perception too. The hospitality SWAP delivers bespoke training to people looking for work. It trains them with relevant skills, provides a work placement and a guaranteed interview, helping participants be as job-ready as possible.
Next, while interviewing the three directors of The Beckford Group (page 22), I was privy to the impressively detailed and bespoke training resources that they give to their team before anyone can even work a shift at any of their pubs. While elements such as the ‘Front of House Ten Commandments’ and a cartoon illustration of ‘The Guest Journey’ caught my eye, it was the 64-page Waiter’s Handbook that knocked my socks off. I know what you’re thinking: “Over 60 pages of instructions on how to be a waiter? Way to suck the life out of it!” But, I assure you, this manual has been created with heart, passion and conviction, laid out in a smart, captivating and contemporary way. I’ve got my hands on edition number four, meaning these guys are updating it as they go as well.
With wholesale changes being made on training and recruitment at a government level, alongside the energy and desire to create career longevity from businesses like The Beckford Group, perhaps more operators will have a look at modern approaches to recruitment and retention. I know it’s March, but it’s not too late to kick off that New Year’s training regime.
Tristan O’Hana - Editor