Proper Pubs raises £43,500 for local charities

Proper Pubs has raised £43,500 over the last three months.

Proper Pubs, the wet-led division of Admiral Taverns, has raised £43,500 for local charities and community initiatives in the three months to October 2023.

This is the latest fundraising milestone for the group, having raised £80,000 in May for national mental health charity Chasing the Stigma. 

The Jolly Crispin in Stourbridge raised £4,700 in one day. The funds went towards installing a defibrillator at the pub, with the remaining money split between the Poppy Appeal, Macmillan and the Mary Stevens Hospice. 

The Brewery Arms in Saltney, Chester, also raised £2,600 for a local child who was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer, to send him and his family on holiday through hosting an array of interactive games and activities. The operator has also collected an additional £1,000 for several local football teams to go towards the equipment and kit needed to ensure the clubs can continue to run. 

"On behalf of myself and the whole team at Proper Pubs, I would like to thank every single operator for their fantastic fundraising efforts," says Matthew Gurney, operations director for Proper Pubs. "I’m absolutely blown away by the fact they have managed to raise such an incredible amount of money in just three months! Local communities are so important to us as they support our pubs, so it’s essential that we find ways to give back to them and I feel this is a little something to show our appreciation."  

Proper Pubs, which has more than 185 sites across England, Scotland and Wales, encourages its operators to host a regular schedule of charity fundraising initiatives throughout the year. These range from Christmas selection box collections to local foodbank donations, as well as fundraising events to have defibrillators installed.  

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