Managed pubs outperform rest of hospitality

Managed pubs outperformed the sector as a whole in August, with year-on-year growth of 2.9%.

New data has revealed that managed pubs performed the most successfully in the on-trade during August, rounding off a modest summer for the hospitality sector.

Britain’s leading hospitality groups achieved a year-on-year sales growth of 1.3% in August 2024, according to the latest edition of the CGA RSM Hospitality Business Tracker.

In positive news for the trade, the findings show that groups have now achieved like-for-like increases in every month of 2024 except April.

However, it is a second successive month of below-inflation growth, with the tracker topping 4% only once since the start of the year. Total sales growth in August, including new venues opened during the last 12 months, stood at 3.7%.

Somehow we manage

The tracker shows managed pubs outperformed the sector as a whole in August, with year-on-year growth of 2.9% despite disappointing weather. Restaurants recorded a 0.8% increase, but bars continued a long run of negative numbers with a drop of 9%. The on-the-go segment achieved a 5% growth. 

"August’s figures complete a modest summer for hospitality groups, and with the weather and consumers’ confidence both underwhelming, real-term growth has been elusive," says Karl Chessell, director of hospitality operators and food, EMEA at CGA by NIQ. 

"While some bars and restaurants have found it hard to sustain footfall, the picture has been brighter at pubs, especially given the impact of the cool temperatures on beer gardens and terraces. Consumers remain eager to eat and drink out when they can, but operators will be hoping they will feel confident enough to spend more freely as we move towards the crucial final quarter of 2024."

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