Pubwatch partners with Best Bar None

National Pubwatch has partnered with Best Bar None to support licensees and independent operators.

National Pubwatch has partnered with Best Bar None, the Home Office-backed accreditation scheme for licensed premises, to support licensees and independent operators to reduce alcohol-related crime and meet their obligations under the Licensing Act.

A voluntary organisation, National Pubwatch supports over 800 'pubwatches' and works to promote safe, secure and social drinking environments in all licensed premises throughout the UK. 

With restrictions relaxed and the late-night market now reopened after being closed for over 18 months due to Covid-19 restrictions, the two organisations have collaborated to help operators ensure that they are running safe venues. 

Under the Licensing Act, operators must meet the four licensing objects in the prevention of crime and disorder; public safety; the prevention of public nuisance; and the protection of children from harm.

The two organisations have produced tools to improve the operation and standards of venues with a range of free downloadable policies and procedures documentation that can be adjusted to each businessThe documentation can be used by operators as evidence of their due diligence in upholding the licensing objectives and also assist them in achieving Best Bar None accreditation. 

There are 16 updated policies and procedures, which are free to download for operators on both the National Pubwatch and Best Bar None websites. These include a range of topics from safeguarding vulnerable persons, Challenge 21/25, crime and disorder, drugs, searching and overcrowding.