Sector set to raise funds for mental health

An industry-wide initiative has been launched to promote better mental health in the hospitality sector.

An industry-wide initiative has been launched to promote better mental health in the hospitality sector and support the work of charities Hospitality Action and CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably).

The Walk for Calm initiative is taking place between 17 and 31 October. It will see hundreds of 20km fundraising walks/runs taking place in locations across the UK.

Lending its support to the fundraiser, the Pub & Bar team is getting involved, with editor Tristan O’Hana and divisional director Andy Gibb taking on the 20kms on Saturday 31 October. If you would like to support Pub & Bar’s efforts and donate to these essential charities, you can do so here.

“We’ve been working with the Walk for Calm founders in promoting their initiative across all of our platforms,” says O’Hana. “Helping spread the word is one thing, but completing the 20km challenge is another. We think it’s only right that we go the distance and help raise some extra funds for the wonderful work being done by Hospitality Action and CALM.”

Pub and bar operators can sign-up to take part by heading to the website.

“It’s time to not only highlight the importance of looking after our own mental health, but also promote well-being at every opportunity,” says Walk for Calm creator Craig Prentice. “Walk for Calm is an opportunity to come together to do just that while supporting Hospitality Action and CALM and the terrific work they do – please walk, support and donate if you can.”